Why were the essays written by Poleni not translated yet ? Thoughts about translation’s historical methods of scientific Latin texts.

Giovanni_poleniA translation is based upon two concepts : heritage or tradition and break. In order to answer to this question : why were the essays written by Poleni not translated yet ?, I decided to examine how and why translate ad verbum  (word to word) through a few examples like :  Aristotle, Newton, Cicero, Sacro Bosco, Linné or Poleni himself. The translation ad verbum creates a new science’s vocabulary and the language of the scientists who wrote in Latin, is a mix between Greek, Latin or contemporary words. So I purpose, with Charles Batteux, some principles to translate a scientific text. And I link up this translation word to word and the quarrel between the Ancient and the Moderns (“On the shoulders of giants…” XVIIth century). Continuer la lecture