This work sets a French translation of the Giovanni Poleni’s essay De ergatae Navalis praestibiliore, facilioreque usu, Dissertatio (“Essay about a handier and easier use of a capstan on a boat”) written by the mathematics teacher in Padua on 1741 in order to Continuer la lecture
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Letter unpublished written by Giovanni POLENI, member of the Royal Academy of Sciences to James JURIN, member of the Royal Society of London, Padua, 7th August 1730. Translation and commentary.
This letter was found in the Archives of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris. Giovanni Poleni wrote to James Jurin to know the Science’s news in London and to ask him to bring back his little memory bout the pendulum and the Graham’s commentary by about it. Poleni wants also the twenty-four last numbers of Transactiones Philosophicae in which of them, his meteorological observations (made in Padua) are published. Continuer la lecture
The linguistic, epistemological, didactical and numerical exploration of scientific texts written in Latin at the Historical Service of Defense in Brest : an example of cultural mediation in a secondary school.
Teacher of ancient languages in a secondary school in Brest (Kerichen), I aim to give to my pupils a new motivation for Latin language. So I purpose them to discover a lot of Latin texts written by European scientists since the XIId century to the XVIIIth century. Pupils have to take photographs of these texts, then they translate a text chosen by the class. Their translation is afterwards put right by a university’s teacher of Latin literature. Continuer la lecture
Why were the essays written by Poleni not translated yet ? Thoughts about translation’s historical methods of scientific Latin texts.
A translation is based upon two concepts : heritage or tradition and break. In order to answer to this question : why were the essays written by Poleni not translated yet ?, I decided to examine how and why translate ad verbum (word to word) through a few examples like : Aristotle, Newton, Cicero, Sacro Bosco, Linné or Poleni himself. The translation ad verbum creates a new science’s vocabulary and the language of the scientists who wrote in Latin, is a mix between Greek, Latin or contemporary words. So I purpose, with Charles Batteux, some principles to translate a scientific text. And I link up this translation word to word and the quarrel between the Ancient and the Moderns (“On the shoulders of giants…” XVIIth century). Continuer la lecture